
Angry Rural Ireland & A Decaying Fishing Catch


The events in Roscommon in the last week are in truth, one more unfortunate event in a line of many previous to it. Irish rural communities have increasingly become left isolated and abandoned by their elected, those that are supposed to protect them and they feel their way of life has increasingly come under threat.
At times, though it’s rarely reported on a national level on RTE news etc, rural crimes committed on businesses and families including local farms have over time become more sadly common. More people in rural Ireland are seeing their local services being stripped away. They are seeing bus routes closed down. Post offices closed down. Garda stations closed down. They are again seeing a youth exodus. Along the West coast, additional fishing communities are again being further hard hit as the EU is imposing increasing catch restrictions while Irish elected it is felt, is not protecting them or standing up for their rights.
Add to this abandonment, the continuing complete balls-up Fine Gael has made of getting any decent broadband to many rural areas, many in such locations have made it clear they have had more than enough. Fine Gael was founded with a background of rural farming support. Many times the party has tried to varying degrees of success, by financial inducements and other political promises, to maintain and increase that ground base of voters.
To try shore up that now weakening support, Fine Gael has promised to roll out an additional €1bn for a Rural Regeneration and Development Fund Scheme, over the period 2019 to 2027. The fund they claim, will provide investment to support rural renewal for suitable projects in towns and villages with a population of less than 10,000, and outlying areas. That’s the sales pitch.
In other words to the wise, persuasion tactics to keep voting Fine Gael back and this might come in the future, or be continued once it starts. Many see it as the same old practiced way of ‘buying votes’.
When it comes to the repossessions of rural properties, they appear to be on the increase in part due to the banks (KBC leading the charge) and vulture funds being able to operate at will, despite weak legislation in place by poor elected representation. People from rural communities feeling abandoned, have begun gathering together themselves and forming protesting groups or groups to protect themselves from invading back hired goons. FG say that these groups are militant based. In some cases, there might some truth in some cases but in most cases, it’s just genuine people standing up after saying to themselves “Enough is enough!
When on one hand, Garda stand back and watch assaults take place in front of their eyes – and do nothing – then people retort against invading thugs and Garda only move then to protect such thugs, rural Ireland has come to the conclusion, it has indeed had enough!
With little or poor protection coming from the state and its elected, its been left for the people to make a stand for themselves. This is a situation created in large part by the government, in particular Fine Gael and its elected at national and local level – but not just them alone.
Many of them are not willing to admit any or all of this so they try to incorrectly portray people from rural communities as being all part of a ‘fringe’, a paramilitary group or some other classification which they hope to use in order to make people seen standing up and protesting, as being in a bad light.
UPDATE: Confirmation ex-UK military being used to evict Irish citizens. LINK
Irish elected quick to condemn own citizens but all too silent over this issue.
Where is the balanced justice? LINK
January 2019 – More EU Interference.

One of the many things we regular report on, is the continuous under undermining of our national fishing industry. The latest attack on it, once again is coming from a now normal location the EU. This time the EU wishes to impose even more restrictions on that fishermen of Ireland can catch and bring home. On top of previous multiple catch cuts, the EU wants to slap an additional 58% cot to cod, 14% cut to haddock and 32% cut to our prawn catch. As some would be aware, after mackerel, prawns are the most economically valuable regarding opportunity of fishing profitability.

Even more debatable, is the EU now wanting to impose a new ‘discards’ ban. This would prohibit fishermen from throwing back unwanted parts of a catch that are no use to them. The EU wish to stop this throw back and have that additional wastage added to a fisherman’s overall catch quota.

Even the rare TD that speaks on this matter, not public wishing to be seen condemning the EU, admits that in 2019 the Irish fishing industry is now even further under attack by the EU. Fine Gael has already agreed to give away fishermen quota sizes in regard to mackerel, blue whiting and sea herring. Now things are about to get far worse. Home elected are allowing the EU to roll out more imposed changes within the fishing industry of Ireland that see again see it undermined and weakened.

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