
Fianna Fáil. Still With Heads Right Up Their Backsides.


* WARNING: Straight talking.


As the once Republican Party – as it laughingly, incredulously still subtitles itself – crawls around with a 5% vote result in Dublin Bay South, it seems even with that result, the party still seeing that result too, refuses to also still pull its head out if its arse!
The #DBS director of elections on the day of their very defeat, stated that he didn’t know why they lost – and lost so badly. Now, lets all be honest here. Either (a) the man was completely thick, (b) misled (c) brainwashed and blinkered or (d) playing a stupid political game that absolutely no one is further thick enough to swallow!
(A) As much as some like to make out FF heads are all stupid, some are not. Many are not. So we shall give him the benefit of doubt and say he has got brains to burn.
(B) Maybe other have misled the man as to why FF has mega failed but again, the man cannot surely be that stupid!
(C) Brainwashed and blinkered? Also certainly to some extent? He might be because it appears he cannot see what 95% of the DBS voters alone, can see. What they and many elsewhere can see, I will get back to shortly!
(D) Playing political games? Almost certainly! It’s what old, worn out parties do. He cannot be seen or heard admit that FF has huge, long existing mega failures and have made mega mistakes. Heaven forbid a FF top rank might actually give an open honest, full picture, answer to being criticised!

So why have Fianna Fáil failed – that clearly they refuse to see or at least acknowledge? Let’s scrape a deep surface of reasons.
1. The mega FF u-turn. Michael Martin prior stating “Any government with FG in it, is not change”. He then repeat stated after that, FF would NOT be going into a coalition deal with FG. What happened after 2020 election? A mega u-turn, a mega lie exposed as told by Martin and trust in FF completely, immediately, shot to shit! Fact.
2. The continuing law breaking, JobPath – mountains of it. Data law breaking – mountains of it. VRT law breaking – like the previous, still ongoing. The unaccountable TDs, Minister’s screwing up, the lies attached, the mega u-turns attached to it all and much more.
3. The consistent attempts to openly play the public and see them as totally completely stupid. Many of us are not. Far bloody from it.
4. Their arrogance. Their high positioned, looking down their noses. Their distain for the public. Their decades, not years, decades of misdirection, lies, u-turns, and still distraction practises when not also, deliberately avoiding talking or addressing other issues. Ignoring them and ignoring people speaking by to them, crying out to them, looking for help.
5. Their total fracked up incompetence handling of many a crises correctly, honestly or make any positive dent in many issues!
6. The pressganging continuing or tired on still. TTIP, CETA, PESCO, JobPath and other similar exploiting Social Welfare, human rights abusing rackets that only sees private companies also grow mega richer at taxpayers expense. No public votes allowed. No referendums allowed. Piss-poor democracy.
7. The non-stop consistent greed. Repeated mega pay hikes for themselves and elected mates at top and local levels. Up to four pay hikes in one year alone… Mega greed – and that before we get to the bonus mega expenses, pensions and other perks…
8. The many cover-ups. Did you know for example that since 2020 alone, FF have been leafing or involved in over 65 scandals or farces? Much of them have been #RTEcensored. National and local media too, have been deliberate silent too. Now, at taxpayers expense again, FF and cabal members, are looking to give that compliant media, further financial rewards. They know as we do, that a lot of media won’t bite a hand that feeds it. Fact. Yes, we are all not stupid or blind.
9. BAM company, the banks, the HSE, the children’s hospital, the national maternity hospital, the religious orders still getting off, the mother and care homes scandal, the elderly care homes and connected Covid deaths, the list of dead street homeless, the growing Ireland hungry (just ask Ken Smollen), the two tier society, the complete housing scandal continuing, the still rewarding of money to vultures and cookcoo setups… On and on it goes…

Hard Truth.

The above are just nine reasons why FF is a bloody disaster and people have turned away in their droves. There are many more reasons. Many more… Here, I have just scratched a thick surface of reasons.
So, when Barry Cowan now calls for an investigation to see why FF has failed so hugely, he and many more needs to look far beyond just how an election campaign was carried out! He, like the whole of the FF party, needs to get their heads out of their arse and see the far bigger reasons. They can only live in denial for so long?

Mr Cowan says that the public deserve a focused cohesive FF party. Well firstly, by being blinkered, blind, lying to themselves and public, they are far from focused. FF is certainly not cohesive. It’s all over the bloody place, weekly screwing up, law breaking – even now, and totally fracked up in their thinking, in their actions and sadly, inactions.
The public don’t deserve all this crap, be it from FF or its criminal Dail mates. The public deserves far better and they sure as shit are not getting it still from FF. Far from it – and that in a nutshell, is why they are failing. They need to get their heads out of their backside to see truths they even refuse to see themselves. End of story.


Jeff Rudd.
Founder. UnitedPeople.

About Jeffrey Rudd

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