The Irish Farming Community.
This page is undergoing further expansion.
The Irish agri-food sector of Ireland continues to give great employment to many rural and urban areas in Ireland. Exports are presently worth at least €13 Billion to the economy on a yearly basis. By direct employment 174,000 are working away wot see that many family/business ventures try to go from success to success.
In local communities where those working in the agri-food take time out, the vast majority of personal spending from earnings remains within local communities. UnitedPeople recognises this and more. The members of UnitedPeople support the ideology of protection and seeking further growth for the agri-food sector of Ireland The party considers the sector a fundamental important part of Ireland's economy. However, we also recognise that the sector plays an important part in keeping alive Ireland social communities beyond financial aspects.
Within the Irish agri-food sector we have passed down traditions and moral characteristics ingrained with the daily workings of many, help to keep alive what it means to be an Ireland citizen, standing out and up in a world of increasing numbers. UnitedPeople wishes to maintain this uniqueness and in the best ways possible so that the people of Ireland remain world recognised for that which continues to stand out on world stages.
- The UnitedPeople agriculture section - a page still growing - is HERE.

Animal Farming.
The farming business is not just about what grows for our land soil. It is also about animals we produce in order to meet supply and demand requirements. This section will be updated shortly.
Starting At Home.
Just as the saying goes "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link", so too is a wall, made up of individual bricks. In the case of Ireland when it comes to the agri-food sector, those 'bricks' are the successful individuals and working mechanisms or processes of Ireland that make up a business structure. They individual and collectively help Ireland to go from strength to strength.
It makes sense then to nurture and grow this area of important significance. This work must begin at home and it's at home that UnitedPeople wish to begin and improve work that also needs to started or progressed better. In the following paragraphs, sections and linked pages, we shall begin to detail some of our starting points.
Rural Transport.
Consecutive Irish governments have declined rural services. How are rural communities supposed to survive if this continues! UnitedPeople seeks the improvement and accessibility of services for rural zones. Greater accessibility would help improve both social aspects and business between fellow rural communities and urban zones. Greater inter co-operation should be advanced and this is one aspect to aiding this goal.
Specific Proposal: The implementation of a greater rural transport service providing connectivity, managed by each local authority that is best positioned to decide what's best for its local community - not some more disconnected capital office that is unable to keep abreast of daily or weekly local conditions and subsequent changes needed.
Road System.
Greater examination and usage of the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) is very much required in regard to our rural road system. Again, local authorities who deserve to have more control handed back to them in order to better implement more focused plans, must be of greater usage. LIS funds are sometimes under used which in turn is leading to a deterioration of rural roads. The falling domino affect of this on communities and their localised small SME's is obvious. A change must come where where it's needed. UnitedPeople wishes to implement needed changes.
Specific Proposal: Greater transparency regarding localised LIS expenditure. Greater communication between rural communities and their relative authorities to increase greater facilitation of the LIS and cross-rural community integration. Increased LIS funding to be increased upon greater consultation with local elected, working facilities, community leaders and talking to its general public. Their feedback including suggestions are very important to the sustainability and growth of rural communities. Success without their input is not the greater success we can and should aim for.
Specific Proposal: Government to include in a future National Progression Plan (NPP), the definite upgrading of rural roadways and additionally their surrounding areas to ensure the become less prone to flooding and increase of traffic.
In an era when recycling is utmost in the minds of many and now a growing vital necessity in order to protect our environment and shores, the government as part of an NPP designed by UnitedPeople, will look at ways to recycle more of the Irish farming community items. From metal to wood and tires, etc. In consultation and advice sought from the farming community, we shall aim to increase and assist the farmers of Ireland to better dispose of their gradual unwanted items.