Is RTE That Trustworthy?
Can RTE Be Trusted Completely?
RTE presently is running adverts and burning up air time across it's national network, to try convince the nation of Ireland that it's a source of full, good quality news and that it can be trusted to be upfront, honest detailing of all important matters the public should be made aware of. See the advert below.
What the taxpayers are not supposed to be aware of, is just how much RTE actually censors from being broadcast, what they repeatedly leave out - leaving a whole nation completely uninformed, often lied to and misdirected.
Below is a complied list of some of the more important matters. WE COULD HAVE ADDED MORE EASILY - but we stuck to just some of them. Otherwise, we would be inputting items for weeks. We had to restrain ourselves from posting more.
RTE is a station that openly lies, twists details and completely non-reports about:
RTE is a station that openly lies, twists details and completely non-reports about:
1. Protest numbers on marches. Example - previously, "A couple of hundred turned up today in Dublin..." (Apollo House protest) Really? Look at past Youtube videos. Another example: any number of Irish Water protests. It became a sure thing, the numbers in attendance would be halved or more by RTE reporting. TakeBackTheCity protests - RTE and their 500 attendance quote!
This one was RTE news report attended by 1,000 people. Really? Judge for yourself. What do you think? LINK LINK
2. Big protests that actually happen also in Dublin and elsewhere but often go unreported.
3. Repeatedly fails to mention many topics like:
* attacks on people,
* TDs regular antics including spending of taxpayer money,
* JobPath, it's pressganging, it abuses, the financial frauds and much more, LINK
* Odd that RTE didn't mention any of this? LINK
* Medical cover-ups. Any 2020 news reporting of the HPV vaccinated victim campaigners and minsters refusal even to meet them - never mind further help them? LINK
* Medical cover-ups. Any 2020 news reporting of the HPV vaccinated victim campaigners and minsters refusal even to meet them - never mind further help them? LINK
* RTE refuses to more mention the 40th French national yellow vest protest and the police violence there. All other European TV news networks give it mention - in detail and video. The constant non-reporting of RTE has not gone unnoted to many.
* TD's continuous pay increases, Three in one year. One brief mention. Story quickly buried and moved away from.
* the burying of reports through using the state secrecy act, delaying of reports so FG can kick a matter on to others or bury it - at least until a public stink dies down,
* the illegal way Irish Water has been setup,
* the illegal way An Post (and other departments) has obtained everyone's data or investigate how they got it (still do),
* The British government tapping into Irish sea communications cables, sending that data to GCHQ and another spy agency location in the UK for examination. The Irish government knowing this is going on and are at times in league with this illegal activity,
* no reporting to the criticism lashed out at the law antics of Fine Gael and it's enablers, Fianna Fail and the Green Party as they brought in new laws to allow Hearsay as a method to cause an eviction. a previous highcourt ruling said this was illegal under long established law - so the tri parties changed the laws so that evictions could more go ahead for the banks just using Hearsay - not actual real evidence. Again, much of this was NOT reported by RTE as was the below video not allowed be showed to the nation.
* the constant awarding of state contracts to Denis O'Brien businesses or companies on a regular basis, protest barrier hire, past fueling of all state essential service vehicles, water meter installations,
* the illegal transfer of peoples personal data to private companies, illegal transfer to the UK and USA,
* RTÉ refuses to explain 'vandalism' of sports article that led to apology to footballer, LINK
* no mentioning or showing of (a) video that exposes imported Northern Ireland thugs carrying out what was (b) an actual illegal eviction (the wrong documents used and presented), the loyalist thugs in the course of their law breaking, (c) openly assaulting an Ireland citizen on his own property while (d) Garda stood around and let it all happen, doing nothing. Video still available on Youtube. These particular serious aspects of the event completely blanked by RTE reporting and Dail elected. They refused to comment on these aspects or report on the specific wrongs. CENSORED. LINK
* the continued pressganging of cheap or labour into private businesses via state employment setups
* the illegal forcing of contracts upon a nation of people (Irish Water, household tax, etc),
* the government still breaking EU VRT rules and paying the fines imposed with taxpayer money,
* the government still refusing to tackle schools renaming once compulsory charges or voluntary fees as new renamed/invented titles,
* completely unreported for years by RTE, is the serious amounts of public money that is heading towards the EU and how. from offshore resources such as oil, gas and fishing stocks, other have accumulated a net benefit and is still growing.
* their refusal to name who else attended #golfgate,
* their refusal to mention who was part of the Drumconda Mafia and the Golden Circle,
* their regular un-reporting of other major events or statements made in the Dail,
* their refusal to highlight (never mind also go into detail) about PAC meetings and evidence handed on a plate there of mega law breaking, elected and private business fraud besides even more law breaking by both,
* their refusal to regular mention that banks have been handing up forged signature documents to courts, to falsely obtain properties and evict people,
* deliberately didn't expose that the government was defeated by others in a Dail vote regarding JobPath. Why? It's thought, as much of Ireland doesn't even know JobPath exists, rotten elected want to keep it that way and thus, hide much about it. CENSORED. LINK LINK LINK
* their refusal (just like my local LMFM radio station) to report on false evidence later exposed as false, given to a Highcourt Judge by a private company, that has a contract with the government earning them €130+ Euro Millons, much of it through corporate fraud and forged signatures,
* their refusal to mention many a Garda investigation that is crying out to be held but elected refuse to make happen,
* no mentioning of contracts being awarded to TDs mates, family and local cumman group members,
* no reporting on the insider operating of TDs including some who are bondholders with vested interests, voting on such matters and creating further laws to also suit themselves,
* the blanked scandals around many topics not also including the taxpayer money being burned away through vouched and non-vouched elected/Seanad expenses,
* the blanked reports of USA troups, Shannon Airport, bringing in and carrying their weapons on Ireland soil - besides the occasional rendition (illegal kidnapped without proper legal process) flights,
* how FG and Labour in the last days of a previous government overnight created amendment legislation to further restrict FOI access to a number of their activities and their further usage of public money not also including the details of Euro millions on their single, double or more multiple pensions...
* the too cosy relationships between elected and businesses and people owning them and/or running them,
* declining to mention the apparent still ongoing use of non-paid trainee nurses during Covid times,
* the regular interdepartmental delay and frustration tactics against taxpayers, unemployed, workers, cervical cancer victims, illegal, wrongly charged and others who seek courtroom redress,
* failing to report many of Enda Kenny's fairly tales as there was more than people were allowed know,
* ducking reporting many local and national acts of cronyism and nepotism.
* RTE failing to mention that the 2020 Attorney General of Ireland as been exposed for not as legal required to do, state a conflict of interest. In this case he being a landlord - while making laws that are advantageous and profitable to landlords as tenants expense and possible eviction!
* refused to mention a national poll released on the 15th March 2020, that only ONE in TEN Irish voters back Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and independent Government' LINK
* RTE failing to mention that the 2020 Attorney General of Ireland as been exposed for not as legal required to do, state a conflict of interest. In this case he being a landlord - while making laws that are advantageous and profitable to landlords as tenants expense and possible eviction!
* refused to mention a national poll released on the 15th March 2020, that only ONE in TEN Irish voters back Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and independent Government' LINK
* refused to mention a poll out today says that 50%+ of those asked, thought Mr Martin should step down as FF leader in poll results posted by the Irish Dail Mail (27th Sep', 2020).
* refused to mention that within 24 hours Leo Varadkar as leader at the time, 100% contradicted himself and in fact, lied on an international level.

* failed previously and still fail to mention that RTE sometimes spend over €1,000 a day in taxis. Never mentioned that one on air. LINK. Just like they never mentioned the plans of letting go of 200 in their news. LINK
* Failed to mention a number of national protests going on across Europe and in Chile on one day alone. Ireland at the time was experiencing it's own political unrest and RTE didn't want to give the impression that Irish people should fallow any exposed example of others. In other words, follow their lead - so all the protests happening was media buried.
* failed previously and still fail to mention that RTE sometimes spend over €1,000 a day in taxis. Never mentioned that one on air. LINK. Just like they never mentioned the plans of letting go of 200 in their news. LINK
* Failed to mention a number of national protests going on across Europe and in Chile on one day alone. Ireland at the time was experiencing it's own political unrest and RTE didn't want to give the impression that Irish people should fallow any exposed example of others. In other words, follow their lead - so all the protests happening was media buried.

* refused to mention that Europe doesn't need new gas infrastructure. A released new, 20th January, 2020, independent report exposed that €29,000,000,000 of EU tax payers' money will be wasted on 32 "unnecessary" gas projects, including the Shannon LNG terminal. LINK
* refused to mention that Europe doesn't need new gas infrastructure. A released new, 20th January, 2020, independent report exposed that €29,000,000,000 of EU tax payers' money will be wasted on 32 "unnecessary" gas projects, including the Shannon LNG terminal. LINK
* declined to mention that a Fine Gael councilor had been found in breach of the Local Government Act's Code of Conduct after requesting that a HAP tenant be moved from a property he was trying to sell. LINK
* Highcourt judges regular breaking the law when not also inventing their own too,
* declined to be covered, is many of the meetings that are help around the country as people try to raise issues. Those speaking are also blanked from RTE cameras while other networks have a bit of decency and try their best with far less resources RTE burns through yearly at taxpayer cost. This has been going on for years and still continues regularly. Can't have a nation of people in some areas knowing many others, in other areas, are feeling the same way but have got up and protested. The non-action others might get ideas. RTE can't be having that happening against those they favour? LINK
* the victims of a previous Swine Flu vaccine, their illness tales, their legal cases and how elected are consistently not only assisting them - but also at times, refusing to even meet the. RTE refuses to give no mention on a regular basis.
* the past and still continuing Irish law breaking of elected, from the Attorney General dodgy antics to elected individually and collectively breaking laws at local, national and international level.
* the past and continuing international law breaking of elected,
* the past and continuing international law breaking of elected,

* odd that they failed to mention on the news the connections of John Burton when Irish pensioners lost €4 million in a venture he consulted on?
* Why did RTE censor BBC's Noel Edmonds? The audience agreed with his view points made and ERTE didn't want the rest of the nation to kop this! LINK
* Not only does RTE regular fail to report judicial illegal law breaking, it fails to also let the public know that there are books newly published that expose what they won't. Take for example: "CRIMINALITY IN THE IRISH COURTS: And the Absence of the Rule of Law in Ireland" by Stephen T Manning - LINK. Yes. like others before it, RTE - but not just RTE to be honest - censors mention of the law breaking and any one or any thing exposing it. You are not supposed to know this too!
* odd that they failed to mention on the news the connections of John Burton when Irish pensioners lost €4 million in a venture he consulted on?
* Why did RTE censor BBC's Noel Edmonds? The audience agreed with his view points made and ERTE didn't want the rest of the nation to kop this! LINK
* Not only does RTE regular fail to report judicial illegal law breaking, it fails to also let the public know that there are books newly published that expose what they won't. Take for example: "CRIMINALITY IN THE IRISH COURTS: And the Absence of the Rule of Law in Ireland" by Stephen T Manning - LINK. Yes. like others before it, RTE - but not just RTE to be honest - censors mention of the law breaking and any one or any thing exposing it. You are not supposed to know this too!

* Not reported by mainstream media or RTE. The Berlin rally against Covid-19 restrictions on Aug 1st had 1.3 million people turn up. You would think that would be covered? No. Censored from the airwaves in Ireland. Google it!
* RTE completely burying Minister Harris presenting evidence of HPV Vaccine damage - and then he and the rest of the government going on to knock those that question it. LINK - No, this too was kept censored just like the matter below. Yes, this too was kept off the national airwaves. With millions of females in the country, you might think it would be important to raise the issue and explore in on TV or radio? LINK
* 4,000 Doctors object and sign their name to a global declaration in realtion to the Covid-19 crises. Yes, RTE COMPLETELY CENSORED THIS TOO.
* Anyone remember the attempts by RTE to keep Mary Lou McDonald out of party leader debates despite she up with the other top two in ratings? RTE there only relented when, through social media, their true nature was more exposed than they liked - so to try regain some semblance of good name, relented and let her on with others. How good of them eh? LINK
* Anyone remember the attempts by RTE to keep Mary Lou McDonald out of party leader debates despite she up with the other top two in ratings? RTE there only relented when, through social media, their true nature was more exposed than they liked - so to try regain some semblance of good name, relented and let her on with others. How good of them eh? LINK
* Not a word about a TD caught actually doing a live video broadcast to others - while driving in his car through his phone. No. Not a word mentioned on RTE. Incident censored from public attention. LINK
* Not a word about this massive crime back refund. You would think there would be considering how important it is -or is RTE trying not to expose how laws have failed to deal with such a notorious gang? LINK

* New buried - Dail protests voiced objection to the FF/FG/Green Cabal hiking up mega wages even fore for their favoured elite , their favoured friends.
* a classic bit of misreporting was when the FF/FG government media spouted in attempted PR, to say that CV-19 PUP payments were dropping because of people returning back to employment. In fact, the numbers has been dropping because the government had also been cutting people down and off - but RTE in usual style, 'forgot' to mention this repeatedly for days and weeks. Truth? They could be still at it! LINK
* One thing RTE is now notorious for not reporting, the amount of money they presently pay some of it's presenters. In time they do - with mega prodding, releases some information. It might be a few years old information at times but still, it's rare titbits released. They consistently refuse to give far more updated information. They refuse to mention how some of the bigger paid 'stars' set themselves up as agencies.
Instead of being directly employed by full time contract, they are hired via their agency. This is reportedly a way to use tax dodging methods, all legal and above board. No - RTE never mentions any of this to the public also. getting information at times, even just related to what they are doing with taxpayer money, is as the saying goes, like "trying to get blood from a stone!" Now, to be fair, they do produce an annual report that gives general numbers such as how your licence fee is broken down and where it goes - but ask for that years wages and what being paid to who? Don't hold your breath while waiting!
* The Burying of Vital Evidence Continues - unreported by RTE.
* Odd how RTE managed to forget about this little nugget in the budget 2020?
* RTE also failing to report how the governments PR doesn't actually add up when it comes to straight forward math's?
CONCLUSION: We could keep going but you get the picture. One RTE often doesn't want you to get, even as you are not getting full facts or even any facts in many cases, ongoing situations and crimes on local, national and international scale!
We have scratched the surface of the matters that RTE rarely or never report. See HERE for a few possible more. So can you trust RTE and it's news network? Honestly? Seriously? It's a good question. Do you just swallow RTE's PR campaign? Do you accept that they are the bastion of truth and can be fully trusted? Are you gullible?
It's very clear that Ireland media laws need to be severely updated to enforce greater coverage and by law, greater accuracy. Canada, while not perfect itself, sets out a good direction to go regarding media laws. Such is some of their passed legislation - LINK - that the likes of Fox News (a republican supporting TV network and notorious for the lies it puts out) cannot operate under the Canadian laws. Why? they would be far more forced to tell the truth or be huge fines or even shut down quickly.
The way Canada reports news often vastly contrasts to what mega exaggeration and falsifying networks outside their borders, are churning out for non-questioning, brainwashed masses. The video below is an example of this.
There is NO DOUBT that RTE severely needs to get it's act together in regard to fuller picture, wider coverage, unbiased news reporting. The improvement must not end there. The likes of "Primetime Investigates" and other shows f political or investigation nature, have to delve into other areas that they have repeatedly, cowardly, declined to investigate. why they have done this, we can only guess at - and one guess is that they don't wish to greater expose that the middle-man hand that's feeding them (via the taxpayer), has been far greater up to - behind the backs of the public, in serious amounts.
If RTE continues to:
* carry out poor, untrustworthy reporting,
* refuses to instigate the proper changes requires in it's reporting methods,
* refuses to change the way it not only selects TV audience but also selects them to speak and lets them speak without being cut off - just as they bring up an exposing point RTE might not like to get out!
* continues to ignore serious law breaking at local and national levels that are pollical connected,
* carry out poor, untrustworthy reporting,
* refuses to instigate the proper changes requires in it's reporting methods,
* refuses to change the way it not only selects TV audience but also selects them to speak and lets them speak without being cut off - just as they bring up an exposing point RTE might not like to get out!
* continues to ignore serious law breaking at local and national levels that are pollical connected,
...Then RTE's news, show creation and investigation sections needs to bee looked at as something that serious need to go - shut down at the very least till changes beyond window-dressing efforts, can be instigated along with far greater protocols of accountability are inserted. If elected and RTE cannot make that happen - they need to go.
Better people willing to do what is necessary, needs to be elected and better accountability needs to be not only instigated but also when not, those responsible for it supposed to be, should be equally accountable.
We consider RTE sections in their current mode of operation very untrustworthy, very biased and they do not have the right to claim that they are the default source of trustworthy output on an daily or even hourly basis.