Jeff Rudd. Drogheda Local Election Candidate

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On Facebook, his daily posts have been officially liked 760,000+ times by citizens keeping in touch with him.

Jeff has grown a huge following on social media. From the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Mewe, by acting professionally and lawfully while seeking fresh positive improvement, he is listens to and interacts with thousands on a weekly basis. It is not good enough to just talk to people. He life learned that we must pay better attention to our fellow citizens.

Jeff has been doing this for decades. Adding to his speaking with fellow citizens, face to face around the country, as an I.T. expert, Jeff has used our modern technology to best Ireland advantage. He not only talks to people but listens to them in far more ways than many others already elected, have ever done!


Have you joined him on Facebook yet? Become better informed. Become involved in helping to create positive improvement. Join Jeff through social media. No current representative in Ireland is better social media connected.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Edmund Burke


Skills, Qualifications and Other Experiences.

Jeff is a qualified I.T. teacher. Trained in computer programming, web design, graphic design, software and hardware installation, video production, sound/video editing, website content creation. He upskilled nationally and abroad.

Having worked as a barman for 20 years, in his last five years of work in that sector, he studied at night while also attending further education. This included accountancy, taxation, business law and management. However, Jeff didn't stop there. While working for a number of businesses starting up locally, assisting them to get up and running, Jeff continued his studies to including Digital Media Management and Marketing. He continues to stay in tune by upskilling.

Jeff has worked at home and in England. He is currently working on a non-fiction manuscript about his time working in the leisure industry. He hopes "Life Behind Bars" will be published later in 2020.  He already is the author of a number of items including "New Ireland Rising" and the UP JobPath investigation report exposing Ireland crime.


A keen photographer, here is a sample collection of Jeff's extensive work.


UP JobPath Report. Author Jeff Rudd.

Start to discover many shocking details Jeff has exposed over three years of investigating the setup.

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Speaking To The Citizens Of Ireland.

See the bigger picture that Jeff has been speaking about across Ireland. A quiet government privatisation agenda.

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